ESPN Power and Connectivity Solutions for Audio Mixers
Power over Ethernet Supply Units with Integrated LAN Switch for SERIX Modules and HUSH/NANOSERVER Mixer Core

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ESPN - Serix: Power and Connectivity Features Efficient Power Delivery and Seamless Connectivity for SERIX Modules
The ESPN – Serix Mixers equipment are Power over Ethernet power supply units with a built-in LAN switch. They are used to power the SERIX surface modules and connect them to the mixer core (HUSH or NANOSERVER).
The ESPN units are built into 19″ boxes of 1 RU. They can be ordered either with a single 230 VAC power supply (ESPN-H4) or with redundant 230 VAC power supply (ESPN-R). In the first case, the depth of the housing is 23 cm, for the redundantly powered equipment, the depth is 34 cm.
ESPN Unit Connectivity and Power Distribution
ESPN units provide eight LAN connectors for power distribution and connectivity, including four for PoE+ to supply motorized fader modules, three for PoE to power non-fader SERIX modules, and one for connecting the SERIX control processor HUSH or NANOSERVER, all monitored by LED indicators.
- The ESPN units provide eight LAN connectors
- Four of these connectors are RJ45 connectors PoE+, supplying 48 VDC power needed for four SERIX fader modules, each equipped with 4 motor faders
- Three additional RJ45 connectors PoE provide 48 VDC power for three SERIX modules that don't have motor faders, such as the central unit, fader and central extension modules, or the KBOX
- There is also one RJ45 LAN connector designed for connecting the SERIX control processor HUSH or NANOSERVER
- The units feature LED indicators that display the status of the power supply and the various LAN connections
Download the Technical Datasheet for ESPN
Explore all the specifications and advanced features of the professional ESPN in this technical datasheet.